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Wouxun KG-UV950P Band Unlocking

I have recently come across the software the Wouxun factory uses to set the band limits on the KG-UV950P.

While the software is in Chinese, it’s functional, and allows setting of all band limits on the radio.

Here’s an English version of the interface:

Limit Setup Menu
Limit Setup Menu

Note when using this software:

This possibly has the potential to damage the radio, if you transmit on a frequency it’s not designed for. Not to mention the legal issues with transmitting on frequencies that aren’t permitted! Use at your own risk!

20 thoughts on “Wouxun KG-UV950P Band Unlocking

  1. Hi

    The kg-950 I have will not detect channels programmed ctcss/DCS frequencies when scanning in channel mode.

    Scanning stops whenever there is RF signal received on the programmed channel frequency.

    I want the Scanning to stop only when the programmed ctcss or DCS is detected on the programmed channel.

    Is there a setting I missed or is there a mod I can use to obtain true channel mode scanning?


    1. I guess that is all Chinese cheep radio problem.
      I faced the same problem on Baofengs, while it was no problem on Motorola’s.

  2. Will this work on the 980h quad band radio

    1. Hi Larry,
      Unfortunately I have no idea, as I do not have that particular model of radio.

  3. Will this work with the Uv9D?

  4. Hello
    Where can I find the software? The link does not font. Please help . thanks

    1. did you find the 950 software??

      I can’t find it either….


      1. It’s been uploaded to a new site

        1. Joey,

          Thank you for providing the link to the “KG-UV950P Frequency Limiter” software.

          Out of curiosity.

          Have you figured out which language is displayed when you run the software after installing it?


        2. Joey,

          Thank you for providing the link to the “KG-UV950P Frequency Limiter” software.

          Out of curiosity.

          Have you been able to figure out which language is displayed when you run the software?

  5. So where’s the software?? R2XPV130831.rar has disappeared No Band Unlocking

    1. Apologies, the file has been restored

  6. Check description and follow the video

    1. The youtube video is “private”. Any way that I can get access?

  7. Does this software still work? And will it work for the UV-980P?

    1. yes it does

      1. Bernie,

        Thank you for confirming that the “KG-UV950P Frequency Limiter” software will work on the most current Wouxun KG-UV980P radio build.

    2. Yes it does, But after the R2XPV130831 software unlocks the radio I used Chirp to get it to accept into the 980P

  8. Bernie,

    Thank you for confirming the “KG-UV950P Frequency Limiter” software will work on the latest Wouxun KG-UV980P radio build.


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